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Getting Help For Drug & Alcohol Dependency Can Be Difficult Without Health Insurance. We Can Help!

Welcome to No Insurance Drug Rehab the only resource on the Internet for those seeking addiction treatment with no insurance. Drug and alcohol addiction is an increasing problem in the United States and more people than ever are in desperate need of qualified addiction treatment. According to DrugAbuse.gov, the national resource for information on addiction and alcohol abuse information, rates of addiction and alcoholism are at an all time high. The info graphics from the same organization detail an alarming but steady increase in overall rates and frequency of those having their lives destroyed by the ravages of untreated addiction. With the anticipated costs of drug addiction and alcoholism calculated at roughly $450 Billion dollars in associated health care, crime, and lost productivity costs, addiction treatment is not something that we can afford to deny to those who are caught in the gripes of addiction. Additionally the amount of damage that is being done to individual lives, and their families as well cannot be calculated in a spreadsheet or totaled in a dollar amount. Simply put- untreated drug and alcoholism problems are destroying the very fabric of American families and at the same time the building blocks of our nation.

Addiction Treatment Without Insurance

Fortunately over the last decade there has been a rise in the number of drug and alcohol rehabs and related treatment facilities that cater to those struggling with addiction issues. These addiction treatment centers and drug rehab programs offer many different drug treatment options ranging from Christian and faith based treatment programs, to those that focus on individual therapy types or 12-step based treatment programs. These programs vary just as much in approach to treatment as they do in terms of cost. There are luxury rehabs that cost in excess of $30,000 for a 28 day inpatient rehab treatment program, while there are programs that offer detox and 28 day inpatient rehab centers for $20,000. Very often though, the individuals who can afford the luxury or higher end rehab programs can afford to pay cash for these treatment programs. Individuals who cannot afford to pay these exorbitant sums for addiction treatment are very often at the mercy of their insurance companies. The average family in the United States that has health insurance is able to take advantage of their insurance policy mental health benefits and can use their health insurance policy to get rehab or drug treatment for a loved one. An unfortunate reality however is that many American’s and their families lack health insurance coverage or perhaps do not have the type of coverage that would cover the necessary treatment and therapy for addicts and alcoholics. So this creates a very disturbing problem: How can people with no health insurance get into a drug or alcohol treatment center? Many drug treatment centers simply turn away people without health insurance, only to offer them costly cash pay programs that are financially untenable for many addicts and their families, or refer them to state funded drug programs that often lack the resources and wide range of drug treatment programs tradition rehabs offer. The options for those seeking drug addiction therapy and treatment with no insurance are extremely limited. However NoInsuranceDrugRehab.com offers a range of solutions to this problem.

Drug Rehab With No Insurance

We believe that even those with no insurance deserve quality addiction treatment and the options that a rehab center would offer. We established this website with express purpose of helping those who need it. Our addiction treatment programs and resources have been compiled to help addicts and alcoholics who are out of options. We have created a program that enables those who currently lack insurance or healthcare to get into some of the best drug detox and rehab centers in the county. We strongly believe that drug and alcohol treatment is a life saving necessity, even if you or your loved do not currently have health insurance or a means to pay cash for drug treatment.